速報APP / 教育 / American Money Buying Things in a Store

American Money Buying Things in a Store





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Blooming Kids Software 36 Lincoln Road Scarsdale, NY 10583 USA

American Money Buying Things in a Store(圖1)-速報App

This program includes three classes of exercises which will help the student to learn three things how to buy when the student has exact change, how to make exact change, and how to make inexact change with the smallest surplus. The computer voice will assist the student in making the right payment.

In each of the three classes of exercises the boy character will interact with the saleswoman. First boy character will point to the toy or snack that he wants to purchase. The saleswoman tells the price. The boy character reaches into his pocket and takes out coins and/or notes and puts them on the counter. The student then counts out the correct change (by clicking on the right coins or notes) to pay for the item the boy character wants to buy.


American Money Buying Things in a Store(圖2)-速報App

The boy in the store will pay with

Exact Change Only

The boy character has exactly the right coins and/or notes to pay for his purchase.

American Money Buying Things in a Store(圖3)-速報App

Less Money That Required

The boy character places on the counter less money than he needs to pay for his purchase. The saleswoman will tell him it is not enough, and the boy will then get some more money from his pocket which will make the right amount.

More Money Than Needed

American Money Buying Things in a Store(圖4)-速報App

The boy character places more money on the counter than he needs to pay for his purchase. The money does not include the right coins and/or notes to pay for his purchase. The student must count out the smallest amount that pays for his purchase (with a little extra) and then must figure out how much change he should get.


Click this button to restart the program with the same character and settings.

American Money Buying Things in a Store(圖5)-速報App


Click on the "Back" button to close "Buying Things in a Store" and return to the main page.

American Money Buying Things in a Store(圖6)-速報App